Live Deals

03 - Investment Opportunity in the Ophthalmic Industry

Investment opportunity (Contact Lens Manufacturer)

Produsen Cairan Lensa Kontak dari Singapura Mencari Investor Strategis untuk Perluasan dan Pengembangan Bisnis

03 - Investment Opportunity in the Ophthalmic Industry

Investment Opportunity in a Singapore-based Holistic Ophthalmic Concept Group

Investment in new Holistic Ophthalmic Concept Group formed by Industry Leaders

07 - Collaboration with Plant-based milk and beverage company



07 - Collaboration with Plant-based milk and beverage company

Kolaborasi dengan Perusahaan Susu dan Minuman Nabati

Cresco Mencari investor yang berminat di bidang Alternatif Dairy & Protein

07 - Collaboration with Plant-based milk and beverage company

Investment Opportunity in 2 Premium FMCG Brands/ Companies

On the Lookout for Investors/Strategic Partners


Mencari Pihak dalam Industri Fashion yang Ingin Menjual Bisnis Mereka di Wilayah Asia Tenggara




Cross Border Mergers & Acquisition in the Fashion Industry

Looking For Parties Interested in Selling or Acquiring Fashion Brands within Southeast Asia

Food manufac

并购机会 (EdTech Company)


Food manufac

Merger & Akuisisi (Perusahaan EdTech)

Cresco mencari investor yang ingin menanamkan modalnya di business sistem pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin yang berbasis teknologi tinggi (menggunakan platform).

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